The Demetriades - Tsafka - Kokkalis Prizes
The Demetriades - Tsafka - Kokkalis Prizes were endowed by a generous grant from Sterge Demetriades and his wife Anna Kokkalis Demetriades.
2017 Prize Winners
Pinaky Bhattacharyya (Seismo-Engineering)
Volunteer, Caltech (as of June, 2017) |
Bryan Hunter (Environmentally Benign Renewable Energy Sources)
Postdoctoral Scholar, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Caltech (as of June, 2017) |
Ken Chan (Entrepreneurship)
Graduate Student, Biology and Biological Engineering, Caltech (as of June, 2017) |
Manuel Alejandro Monge Osorio (Biotechnology)
Scientific Researcher, Electrical Engineering, Caltech (as of June, 2017)
Anupama Thubagere Jagadeesh (Nanotechnology)
Graduate Student, Biology and Biological Engineering, Caltech (as of June, 2017) |
2016 Prize Winners
2015 Prize Winners
Alborz Mahdavi (Biotechnology)
Founder at Protomer Technologies Inc. (as of June, 2017) |
Niranjan Srinivas (Nanotechnology)
Damon Runyon Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley (as of June, 2017) |
Lingwen Gan (Environmentally Benign Renewable Energy Sources)
Software Engineer, Facebook (as of June, 2017) |
Srivatsan Kumaran (Seismo-Engineering)
Postdoctoral Scholar, Brown University (as of June, 2015) |
2014 Prize Winners
Imran Malik (Biotechnology) |
Bradley Lyon (Nanotechnology) |
Muhammad Mujeeb-U-Rahman (Nanotechnology)
Co-founder, Wireless Diagnostic Systems (as of June, 2017) |
Faisal Amlani (Seismo-Engineering)
Postdoctoral Scholar, Université Paris-Saclay (as of June, 2017)
2013 Prize Winners
Pedro Coelho (Biotechnology)
Co-founder, Provivi (as of June, 2017) |
Aditya Rajagopal (Entrepreneurship)
Founder and CTO, ChromaCode (as of June, 2017) |
Guoan Zheng (Entrepreneurship)
Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut (as of June, 2017) |
Janna Nawroth (Nanotechnology)
Principal Investigator, Emulate, Inc. (as of June, 2017) |
James McKone (Environmentally Benign Renewable Energy Sources)
Assistant Professor, PITT
(as of June, 2017)
Michael Olson (Seismo-Engineering)
Software Engineer, Google (as of June, 2017) |
2012 Prize Winners
Philip Romero (Biotechnology)
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Chemical and Biological Engineering, UCLA (as of June, 2017) |
Andrew Jennings (Nanotechnology)
Principal at The Boston Consulting Group (as of June, 2017) |
Jordan Raney (Nanotechnology)
Postdoctoral Fellow in Materials Science & Mechanical Engineering, Harvard (as of June, 2015) |
Leslie O'Leary (Environmentally Benign Renewable Energy Sources)
Associate Research Scientist, The Dow Chemical Company (as of June, 2017) |
Michael Mello (Seismo-Engineering)
Lecturer in Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Caltech (as of June, 2017) |
2011 Prize Winners
Fiona Chandra (Biotechnology)
Postdoctoral Scholar, MIT (as of June, 2015) |
Vivian Ferry (Entrepreneurship)
Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota (as of June, 2017) |
Shelby Hutchens (Nanotechnology)
Assistant Professor, University of Illinois (as of June, 2017)
Shelby went on to do a postdoc in the Polymer Science and Engineering department at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. During that time received another prestigious thesis award, the 2013 Quadrant Award. In 2014 she was hired as an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Science & Engineering department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Shelby's research has continued in the area of describing small scale properties to enable technology, but since shifting toward soft polymeric materials that length scale has been shifted to micro- rather than nano-technology. Shelby is currently working to produce plant-inspired active materials that utilize osmotic driving forces in aqueous environments, eliminating the need for wired power sources for specialized applications such as within the human body. |
William Chueh (Environmentally Benign Renewable Energy Sources)
Assistant Professor, Materials Science & Engineering;
Center Fellow, Precourt Institute for Energy (as of June, 2017) |
Matthew Faulkner (Seismo-Engineering) |
2010 Prize Winners
Xiquan Cui (Biotechnology) |
Morgan Putnam (Entrepreneurship)
Director of Business Development, Clean Power Research (as of June, 2017) |
Matt Eichenfield (Nanotechnology)
Principal Physicist, Sandia National Laboratories (as of June, 2017) |
Andrew May (Environmentally Benign Renewable Energy Sources)
Research Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (as of June, 2017) |
2009 Prize Winners
Erik Rodriguez (Biotechnology)
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California, San Diego (as of June, 2017) |
Virgil Griffith (Entrepreneurship)
Tech Entrepreneur (as of June, 2015) |
Ke Xu (Nanotechnology)
Assistant Professor of Chemistry and the Chevron Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley (as of June, 2017) |
Joshua Spurgeon (Environmentally Benign Renewable Energy Sources)
Research Engineer, University of Louisville (as of June, 2017) |
2008 Prize Winners
Sebastian Maerkl (Biotechnology)
Associate Professor, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) (as of June, 2017) |
John Delacruz (Entrepreneurship)
Co-Founder, JournalFire (as of June, 2015) |
Andrew Downard (Entrepreneurship)
CEO at ButterFLi (as of June, 2017) |
Rassul Karabalin (Nanotechnology)
Eengineer, TowerJazz (as of June, 2017) |
Melissa Archer (Environmentally Benign Renewable Energy Sources)
Director, Process Technology, Alta Devices (as of June, 2017) |
2007 Prize Winners
Jesse Bloom (Biotechnology)
Principal Investigator, Fred Hutch (as of June, 2017) |
Ghyrn Loveness (Entrepreneurship)
Entrepreneur, Stealth Startup (as of June, 2017)
Robert Walters (Nanotechnology) |
Jang Wook Choi (Nanotechnology)
Associated Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (as of June, 2017) |
2006 Prize Winners
Allan Drummond (Biotechnology)
Assistant Professor, University of Chicago (as of June, 2017) |
John Howard (Entrepreneurship)
Entrepreneur and Consultant, Sunfarmer (as of June, 2017) |
Michael Hochberg (Nanotechnology)
Associate Professor, University of Delaware (as of June, 2015) |
2005 Prize Winners
Jeffrey Endelman (Biotechnology)
Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison (as of June, 2017)
While at Caltech Jeffrey developed an interest in agriculture, which he pursued in a practical way for several years after graduating in 2005. He then went back to graduate school to retrain in the science of plant breeding, obtaining a second PhD from Washington State University in 2011. He was a postdoc for two years at Cornell before landing a tenure-track position at the University of Wisconsin.
Over the last two years he developed a strong research program in potato breeding and genetics. His mandate is to release new potato varieties for the industry while pioneering molecular and computational technologies. For example, he is studying how genomic information can be used to predict traits with commercial significance, such as yield, tuber size and shape, dry matter and sugar content. |